Virtual High-Fives at The Ready! Touch Controller Support Arrives in vTime
Today’s all-waving, high-fiving update allows Rift users to bring their real hands into vTime sessions with the introduction of Oculus Touch controller support. Conversation in vTime has never felt so natural.
Rift users with Touch controllers will be able to use a growing menu of hands shapes to create a wealth of immersive gestures. From holding hands, through to a game of rock, paper, scissors, Touch users can amplify the social presence by bringing real body language into vTime. The full suite of vMotes can be created through the Touch controllers.
We’ve also tweaked some of the destinations to allow greater interaction between users. Head to Paris and hold hands, or steady yourself on a fellow vTimer On the Edge. The Executive Jet, and Around the Cave Fire have also been given some love to let you get closer than ever.
Bringing Touch support to vTime has been something that we’ve been looking forward to for some time. Watching easy and natural gesture interactions between our community amplifies social presence more than any feature we’ve introduced so far. While the majority of our users will respect boundaries, we’ve also introduced the Personal Shield - a new way for our users to take control of their personal space in vTime sessions. Personal space is important, and it’s different for everyone. The introduction of Touch support means that our users can get closer. The shield means you can control who gets closest. Find out more here.
Update on Rift now to play with our latest feature, and send your thoughts and ideas on how we can improve the feature to
vTime Is Coming To Windows Mixed Reality
The Personal Shield – A New Way For Our Users To Take Control Of Their Personal Space
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