vTime Joins hubraum - the Tech Incubator of Deutsche Telekom and Nreal’s Mixed Reality Program to Bring XR to the Masses

Deutsche Telekom’s tech incubator hubraum and Nreal have joined forces to jump start the next big thing in mobile through the Mixed Reality Program - a global scheme that aims to bring XR to the masses.

Selected by hubraum for our expertise in social XR, we’re proud to reveal that vTime is one of 14 pioneering companies chosen for the program to develop innovative software that will change how we work and play.

With mixed reality technology poised to replace the smartphone and 5G and Edge Computing gaining traction, Deutsche Telekom believes XR is the next big thing in digital interaction, entertainment and content consumption. The hubraum Mixed Reality Program with Nreal aims to accelerate that future and brings together expert partners from around the world to develop applications for the industry-leading Nreal Light hardware, enabled by Deutsche Telekom’s technologies.

A game changer for mixed reality, the Nreal Lite headset is stylish, affordable, and as powerful as a smartphone. Merging the physical and digital world, the AR headset is set to launch globally in 2021 and makes mass adoption a tantalisingly close possibility.

vTime Managing Director Clemens Wangerin said: “We are on a journey to connect people with each other and the environment around them in new and engaging ways through immersive technologies. With each step we take towards our goal to defy distances and allow real human connections to flourish through alternate realities, we strive to create digital experiences that are as powerful as face-to-face interactions. Being part of this program is a fantastic opportunity to work alongside some outstanding peers and creative talent, incredible business professionals and a selection of top companies of the Mixed Reality ecosystem. And we won’t hold back.”

Tim Akgul - Mixed Reality with Nreal Program Manager said: "As the tech incubator of Deutsche Telekom we have scouted best in class partners for our customers and go-to-market strategy with NREAL. Having vTime in our hubraum Mixed Reality Program makes us proud. Their products vTime XR and vTag already demonstrate their excellent understanding of what's required to create believable social interactions in mixed realities. We are looking forward to bringing their next offering to our consumer markets in the near future."

Find out more about hubraum and the Mixed Reality Program here: https://www.hubraum.com/mixed-reality-program/

Learn more about Nreal and Nreal Lite here: https://www.nreal.ai/


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