After speaking to the community, we're making a change to the destinations menu...
A few months back, to create a better experience for new users, we changed the way that destinations work in vTime. Instead of an ever-growing menu of virtual spaces, we decided to swap the destinations on offer regularly, adding in new locations, as well as rotating old favourites in and out.
Since then, we’ve been looking closely at how the community has been using the app, listening to feedback, and talking to our users about how they’d like the destinations menu to work.
And we’ve come to a decision. We’re bringing the destinations back. Permanently.
Over the next few months, two locations will arrive in vTime XR every week until our destinations menu is fit to burst. There’ll also be a few surprises along the way.
This week sees the return of the ever-romantic Sunset Beach - our candlelit tropical getaway, and Chinatown – a hidden rooftop urban eatery!
So to those of you who’ve missed your favourite vTime locations, we thank you for your patience and your feedback, and we hope you’ll enjoy what’s coming next!
The vTime Team