Express yourself with vMote Gestures!
vTime now supports the Gear VR Controller, and with it comes new features to add an extra level of social connectivity to your conversations. Introducing vMotes – our suite of virtual gestures, and the vTime mini menu, a shortcut to popular social actions
vMotes allow you to express yourself in vTime like never before. Featuring a collection of 16 virtual emojis, use the Gear VR controller to select one to add more emotion to your chats. Press and hold the touchpad to trigger the vMote menu at any time.
The full list of available vMotes: Wave, OK, Thumbs Up, Shrug, Clap, Thumbs Down, Peace, Devil Horns, Salute, Hands Up, Celebrate, Hug, Blow Kiss, Love (heart hands), Happy Dance, Robot Dance.
The new mini menu allows you to access the most-used social functions without having to visit the Connections Screen. Pressing the touchpad while pointing at another user brings up options such as Add Friend/Unfriend, Block/Unblock, Kick, Make Host, and vText - our in-app private messaging system.
Support for the Gear VR controller also brings new options for pointing out areas of interest. Pressing the trigger will cause your avatar to begin pointing in the direction of the controller until released.
For now, vMotes and the mini-menu are only available for users with the Gear VR Controller. We’ll be adding support for the rest of the Gear VR community, and across our other platforms in the coming weeks. Send your feedback to, and tell us how you're finding vMotes!
See you in vTime!

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