Socialize Inside Your Memories With Update 'Picture This'...

Socialize with friends and family from anywhere in the world, inside stunning virtual destinations or your own 360 photos, in 2.0 update, 'Picture This'....

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Having spent the last six months fine-tuning a sociable network in which words have painted more pictures than we can possibly imagine, we're not so sure we agree. Combine the two, however, and it's almost like the picture comes to life! 

And so it is with great pleasure that we bring you vTime 2.0, an update that introduces the next phase of our network. Being sociable is about more than just chatting. Being sociable is about sharing your life and experiences with others. It's about letting people see the world through your eyes for a moment or two. Our latest update, 'Picture This', allows you to upload, share, and even socialize within your photographic memories in the new and improved 360 Gallery. Atmospheric new destination, The Archive is a ready and waiting vessel for your 2D treasures. 

vTime The Archive

The Archive

Reminisce on your time spent back in reality in The Archive - a media hub that allows you to share your photos and images with the other members of your session! Enrich conversations by sharing images of your treasured memories on the big screen, and experience moments from your friend’s lives in picture form. The Archive allows you to bring a little of your world into ours!

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360 Gallery

It’s easier to live in the moment when you’re at the centre of the action, and in our 360 gallery, you’re just that! Explore our featured library of 360 images from around the world, or import your own to share your omni-directional moments with others. Get sociable with friends in the middle of your memories in our 360 gallery!

V Time Busy Button

We’ve also added a Busy state. Many of you wrote to us to say that notifications such as friend requests, join requests, and invites were a distraction when you were engrossed in conversations with your vTime friends. Now, selecting ‘Busy’, (located beneath your avatar bubble on the menu. It’s the second option from the left) will stop all notifications for as long as you so desire. Your avatar will still be visible to your connections, but will remain blue for as long as you have it selected. Just remember to turn it off when you’re ready to re-join the vTime masses!

We hope you enjoy our new feature! As always, let us know how you’re finding it by emailing


vTime for Oculus Rift is Open for Business!



MWC / 4YFN Day 2 – It’s a steal!

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