Dip your toes into WaterWorld, the new vTime Update
vTime version 1.9, WaterWorld, has landed Introducing new vTime Destination 'Shipwrecked'...
vTime version 1.9 has emerged from the depths of development, bringing with it the new and subaquatic destination 'Shipwrecked', along with a host of other fixes and features! Update vTime now to dive under the sea, and discover the treasures hidden beneath! Our new location allows you to chat with friends next to the carcass of a sunken pirate ship, while getting up close and personal with some of the ocean’s most reclusive characters!

1.9 also sees some of our existing destinations get a revamp. Mother Earth herself gets a facelift in The Orbital, while Paradise Resort becomes a little more sociable with a change of seating positions. Terrace de L’Amour has been given a little love too.
We’ve also added more functionality. After you’ve opened the menu, you’ll notice three new options have appeared under your avatar bubble.

The first is ‘go offline’, which allows you to vTime as if nobody is watching! Selecting the ‘go offline’ tab will allow you to see who’s online without you appearing on the connections screen. This applies to friends and random users. You’ll be able to visit destinations, change your avatar, and take a selfie without anyone knowing you’re online. The only thing you can’t do is join in a session or invite someone into yours. As soon as you do one of those things, you’re back online.
The second option is an easier way to turn off random. Instead of having to go further into the menu, random can now be switched off and on in a flash.
The third option gives our users a little more privacy when things are happening back in the real world. You can now mute yourself while in a vTime session without having to leave. So whether your mum is asking you what you want for tea, your husband is inquiring who you’re talking to, or the kids/animals are causing a kafuffle, simply hit the mute button and nobody else in the session will hear what your pet name is.

Cardboard users will be pleased to learn that we've now added 'swipe to look'. Instead of having to move the phone to explore the environment, you can just swipe. Much better for vTiming in public! Head to the Options menu to activate.
So that’s 1.9. Before we race to the dizzy heights of 2.0, we’ll be extending the vTime welcome to Oculus Rift users. Hold on to your hat, our little family is getting bigger.
See you in vTime!

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