CES 2016 Day 2 - Building our brand (literally!)
Today was spent mostly building our branded stand at the show, in preparation for the big opening tomorrow.
Despite a few ‘Krypton Factor’ moments and some misbehaving lights things went OK, mostly. The organizers were very helpful and apologetic for the last minute change to our stand (I think they were frightened Angry Woman would return!) and now we’re ready to rock tomorrow.
At 6pm (PST) we held our first vTime FOURum, when we go into vTime so you, the users, can speak directly with us, the developers.
Despite a rather flakey hotel wi-fi, it went pretty well. No, actually it went REALLY well. We socialized with lots of users. Some were vTime virgins (everyone has to vTime for the first time once) but most were veterans (for all of two weeks) and nearly all were evangelists.
I can’t tell you how useful it is to hear, first hand, what you all think of vTime – the good, the bad and the not so ugly. It really is key for us to understand how you’re using vTime and how we can improve it for you. So to the many who joined us, THANK YOU!
Me in the FOURum - I really didn't realise that picture was there!
That was followed by a rather wet walk back to our hotel (from Starship HQ) in rain that wouldn’t have been out of place back in good old England. Blimey, it was throwing it down. All to the accompanying sound of sirens, as the emergency services rushed to help the poor drivers of Las Vegas who simply aren’t used to the driving rain (or even driving in rain).
The show diary is beginning to fill up and we’re all looking forward to a busy first day tomorrow, when we demonstrate vTime to an unsuspecting crowd of techies. Oh, and have one or two rather important meetings.
Early night for us all tonight as it’s a 6am start tomorrow, so those casino tables will just have to wait for another night.
Day two – tick.
Tomorrow – the big one.
CES 2016 Day 3 - Starship takes off
CES 2016 Day 1 - STARSHIP ALL GET HIGH (our suite is on the 65th floor)
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