How vTime XR is Enabling Vital Work With Vulnerable Children to Continue During the Pandemic
We’ve licenced our technology for private use to allow vital social care work with vulnerable children in the UK to continue during lockdown.
Working with The Cornerstone Partnership - a social enterprise, part of the Antser group, focused on improving the lives of children and families touched by the care system – we’ve created a closed, safe space for local authorities across the UK to continue their critical work with children and adults throughout the pandemic.
During the pandemic, we’ve seen an influx new users and old friends returning to vTime XR to stay social while staying home has been essential, but we’ve also been working behind the scenes to make it possible for businesses and organisations who need something more ‘private’ to continue their work during lockdown. One of those organisations is the Cornerstone Partnership, an innovative organisation that uses technology to solve some of societies big problems.
The annexed version of the network allows The Cornerstone Partnership to link its partners with the services they need during social distancing and isolation, without inhabiting the same virtual space as the wider vTime community. With access to the entire feature set of the existing network, its members can meet privately with families, teams of people or individuals for the purpose of, for example, remote supervision, virtual respite, therapeutic sessions, direct work with young people and supervised contact.
Having trialled vTime XR in a social care setting previously, the benefits of meeting in VR rather than through a video call were heartening. “Based on the pilot findings, we believe the tool will be particularly useful for maintaining contact and direct work with adolescents and for carers/residential workers to receive supervision and support in an environment that allows them “virtual respite” particularly where there may be placement stability concerns" explains Helen Costa, co-founder of the Cornerstone Partnership and Group Director for Antser. "It may also be particularly useful as a means of managing birth family contact where there are ongoing familial or extra-familial safeguarding risks.”
vTime Managing Director Clemens Wangerin said: “Virtual reality has been a lifeline for many during the pandemic and we’ve developed a licensable version of vTime XR that allows businesses from the private sector and social enterprises to use the network privately, giving them an immersive and safe meeting space that they're able to use to stay connected. Helping organisations such as Cornerstone to continue their vital work through our platform demonstrates the power and importance of virtual reality and the deep levels of social immersion that can be achieved through vTime XR.”
vTime XR has experienced a 79% increase in daily new users since lockdown began, with people across the globe looking to escape the monotony and spend quality time with friends, old and new. But another key driver of the upsurge in new users has come from businesses looking for a video conferencing alternative for team meetings with staff now working from home. Businesses and brands interested in licencing a private vTime XR network can contact
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The vTime XR universe is about to get a whole lot bigger. (Again!)
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