vTime Early Access Adds Support for Note 4
Our Note 4 toting supporters have been extremely patient while we ironed out a few major bugs, so today we’re more than happy to announce that vTime Early Access now includes support for all three Gear VR headsets!
Note 4 users can now join the thousands of people who have signed up to the vTime network since we launched on December 22nd last year. New members simply sign up, create an avatar, then relax and chat in one of the eight environments currently on offer in our sociable network.
vTime now supports both Innovator Editions of the Samsung Gear VR, as well as the recently released consumer headset, and is compatible with the Galaxy Note 4, Note 5, Galaxy S6 and S6 Edge handsets.
Our previous update also saw touchpad functionality added to the menu systems in vTime. Now you can tap to select if you'd prefer. We’ve also added to the sign-on process to make switching between accounts a little easier. All these changes have come about through feedback from the community, so if you’ve got a feature you think we should add, an environment that you’re dying to see, or just suggestions on how we can improve vTime, let us know!
We hold fortnightly FOURums (developer chats in vTime) in which we meet up with the community to ask them how they’re finding vTime. We're holding one tomorrow, but if you can't make it, check the events page on the vTime website for upcoming dates. You can also use the feedback function from within vTime, or emailfeedback@vtime.net to get in touch directly.
See you in vTime!
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